
Hinton Ampner Garden

Campsis radicans

Trumpet Vine


Terrace - South Front of the House.


A fast growing, high climbing deciduous woody vine reaching up to 12m (40 ft) attaching itself tightly to any surface. Native to the southeastern and Gulf Coast region of the United States. Showy clusters of yellow orange to red trumpet-shaped flowers first appear in summer and are produced continuously until early autumn alongside a dense cloak of bright green foliage. The tubular flowers are 7-10 cm (3 - 4 in) long and are followed by seed capsules.

Site and Care:

Full sun or shade with best flowering in sun. Prefers rich moist soil but is adaptable to less suitable conditions. Some winter protection may be needed until established. Propagation is by seed or suckers detached from the roots, which can be easily transplanted