
Hinton Ampner Garden

Rose - Constance Spry


The Main Rose Garden


Constance Spry' is a strong-growing, medium-to large shrub with generous foliage and rounded, fully double, pink flowers 12cm in width, with a strong myrrh scent

Site and Care:

Grow in fertile, moist but well-drained soil that does not dry out, in full sun or partial shade. Climbers may repeat bloom. Climbing roses are not self-clinging and need supports of trellis or horizontal wires to which the shoots can be tied.  Prune early to remove winter damage and dead wood. Prune after flowering (late autumn/winter) to shape and keep their size in check. If the plant is heavily congested, cut out any really old branches from the base to promote new growth. They will benefit from a mulch at this time. Regularly dead head.